Heritage/Historic District Commission

Established by Danville voters in 1996, the Heritage Commission is an official town board created to serve the town, its residents and its organizations.  The Commission has also been empowered by the voters to assume the composition, duties, responsibilities and powers of an Historic District Commission and as such, it oversees Danville's Historic District that was established by the voters in 1999.  
One of the Commission's additional duties is to make recommendations for preservation and protection of the town's historical resources, sites and structures.  The Commission may assist other boards with matters that involve the town's historic resources and has interacted in this role with the Planning Board in updating the Master Plan and developing zoning warrant articles that are relevant to the Historic District.
The Commission's mission is to identify those places in Danville that contain and embody the character, culture, and tradition handed down through generations to those of us who now reside in Danville.  It also endeavors to educate residents about the importance of the town's history. To that end the Commission sponsors History Boards on various changing topics inside the Town Hall and Colby Memorial Library, and periodically publishes articles about people, places and events from Danville's past.

Contact information

The Heritage Commission does not maintain an email address but if you would like to contact us you may call the Danville Town Hall (603-382-8253) or write to us at 210 Main Street, Danville, NH 03819.

Commission Members

Name Title
Carol Baird Member
William Hull Member
Christiann Unger Member
Bruce Carye Alternate
Dottie Billbrough Alternate
Joseph Hester Selectman member
Sayra DeVito Alternate
Jon Haskell Member