New Police Department Facility - Mission


Your committee shall present the Town of Danville New Hampshire with a comprehensive study, leading to consideration for a new police complex. The study shall include but not be limited to:        

Retrofit of town owned buildings Location, structure type, layout
Undeveloped town owned propertyCost analysis: Funding, tax implications
Other properties that may ariseLessons learned from similar NH efforts
Minimum vs future requirements Pros, cons, recommendation


The Danville Police Department currently shares space with our fire department in the Kimball Safety Complex located on 208 Main St. Built in 1988, this complex was defined as temporary quarters for the police department. Thirty Five years later in a growing town, police operations are still conducted in the
same four room area, 750SQ FT.


Your committee shall conduct a study without bias or personal agendas, entertain ideas from the public, and communicate publically with openness and honesty, in accordance to regulations outlined in RSA 91-A.

An effort of this nature may lead to resident tax implications in the future. However, the committee will perform due diligence to understand basic needs (not wants) of our public servants to serve our town in a safe and efficient manner, while providing the most cost effective alternatives possible to our tax payers.